Many employees are afraid to report their employer’s illegal conduct in fear that they will be terminated or punished in some way. However, California law prohibits whistleblower retaliation against an employee and offers restitution for those who have been victims of whistleblower retaliation. If you have been the victim of whistleblower retaliation in California, contact our experienced San Francisco whistleblower attorneys at (800) 427-7020 immediately for your free case evaluation.
What is Whistleblower Retaliation?
Whistleblower retaliation in the workplace can look similar to other forms of workplace retaliation. However, whistleblower retaliation refers specifically to retaliation against employees in response to employees’ reporting of his or her employer’s illegal actions or improper conduct. Whistleblower retaliation can take the form of wrongful termination, demotion, denial of resources and training, negative performance reviews, increase in work hours, and more. California whistleblower laws extend these protections to contractors and agents in addition to employees.