
Healthcare Fraud Lawyer Blog


Healthcare Fraud Schemes Involving Medically Unnecessary Testing

One common category of healthcare fraud schemes in the medical laboratory industry revolves around medically unnecessary testing. There are many different ways in which the medical laboratory industry fraudulently commits medically unnecessary testing, which are highlighted below. If you believe you have witnessed healthcare fraud involving medically unnecessary testing, contact…


Key Distinctions Between the Anti-Kickback Statute and Stark Law

Though similar in purpose, the Anti-Kickback Statute (AKS) and Stark Law have many differences that are often overlooked or ignored by the general public. If you believe you have witnessed a form of healthcare fraud but are unsure whether the fraudulent act was a violation of the AKS or Stark…


When Apparent Violations Against Anti-Kickback Law are Not Actually Violations

Even though the Anti-Kickback Statute is a federal criminal statute that results in serious penalties when violated, it is also one that physicians and healthcare professionals violate on a regular basis. If you believe you were referred to a physician or other healthcare provider as part of a monetary or…


Four Common Myths About Whistleblowers Busted

Whistleblowers are one of the most misunderstood groups of people out there. From an outsider’s perspective, it can be difficult to understand why someone would want to be a whistleblower – and that is the first problem. Whistleblowers hardly ever choose to become whistleblowers. They happen to encounter situations that,…


The Risks of Whistleblowing and Why You Should do it Anyway

Reporting your boss for engaging in unlawful conduct at work not only requires courage but also thick skin. While some will undoubtedly tout you as a hero as soon as you blow the whistle, others may not be as friendly or supportive. You should prepare yourself for the worst, from…


Should I Blow the Whistle? Pros and Cons of Whistleblowing

As we do with almost everything in life, we weigh the risks against the rewards when deciding whether or not to blow the whistle on a company that we catch engaging in criminal acts. It can be easy to let our fears overtake us and prevent us from reporting crimes…


Four Steps to a Whistleblower Case

If you are considering filing a whistleblower case in California, you are probably wondering what the process looks like and how long it will take. Unfortunately there is not a clear-cut answer to how long a whistleblower case can take, as there are so many factors that can influence the…


Three Tips for Lawfully Collecting Evidence for Your Qui Tam Case

One of the most crucial parts of filing a whistleblower or qui tam lawsuit is evidence gathering. The more evidence you have of the fraud you are alleging, the stronger your case is and the more likely the government is to intervene. However, gathering evidence is not always as easy…


Do You Need an Attorney to File Your Qui Tam Case?

In general, if you want to file a lawsuit against another person or entity, you have the option of going at it alone (pro se) or hiring an attorney to represent you. While pursuing a lawsuit pro se may not be the wisest in all situations, some people still choose…


Factors That Contribute to How Much You can Recover in a Qui Tam Lawsuit

As a relator in a qui tam lawsuit, you are entitled to receive up to 50% of the recovered amount under the California False Claims Act (CFCA). With such a big range of recovery, however, you may be wondering just how much you are actually entitled to receive. The factors…

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