
Healthcare Fraud Lawyer Blog


Government Contract Fraud Law Firm Examines Fraud on Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Programs

As a leading purchaser of both goods and services, the United States government is a powerful commercial entity. The government has chosen to help minority- and women-owned businesses by giving them certain contracting preferences. Like the health care and defense contracting arenas, dishonest individuals and companies, including those in the…


High Medicare Billings: A Sign (But Not Conclusive Proof) of Possible Fraud

Good doctors should be paid well. Good doctors make huge sacrifices, racking up huge schooling bills and sacrificing sleep and personal time to serve their patients. This, along with the desire to attract talented minds to medical practice, makes paying doctors well incredibly important. However, when a doctor’s pay, including…


High-Technology Firm’s Defense Contract Makes News for Alleged Fraud

With respect to fraudulent actions against the government, much attention has been rightly focused on the schemes that seek to fleece Medicare and other healthcare programs. But San Francisco qui tam lawsuit attorney Gregory J. Brod would point out that there are other government agencies that are targets for fraud,…


Putting Money Over Medicine: Health Care Fraud, Kickbacks and Patient Recruiters

Fraud is a crime that hits people in their pocketbooks and can also feel like a betrayal of trust. Health care fraud fits both these characterizations but also includes an added danger — it is often a direct threat to our physical and mental well-being, endangering people’s health and even…


S.F. Qui Tam Lawyer Revisits Key Laws Supporting Battle Against Medicare Fraud

In the wake of the week in which the federal government arrested 90 healthcare professionals accused of fraudulent acts against Medicare, it would be useful to review the key pieces of legislation, the so-called Anti-Kickback Statute and the Stark Law, that often undergird the government’s actions in sweeps such as…


Fighting Fraud: Government Contract Fraud Attorney Examines Procurement Fraud

Health care fraud is one of our firm’s specialties, however, our firm also works with whistleblowers to fight other types of fraud on our federal and state governments. These cases involve theft from government coffers, thefts that ultimately steal from the American taxpayers generally and from the intended program beneficiaries.…


Feds Announce Sweeping Arrests of Those Accused of Committing Medicare Fraud

It seems as though a week or month does not go by these days without some story cropping up about another case of healthcare fraud, but this week turned out to be an especially active period for legal action taken against those accused of fleecing the federal government. Though the…


Violations of Trust: The Tie Between Health Care Fraud & Attorney Malpractice

Trust is an essential element of good service. This is particularly true in the legal and medical professions, two arenas in which people trust professionals to provide guidance based on the client’s needs rather than placing profits above service. Although they may initially seem like very different practices, our work…

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