
Healthcare Fraud Lawyer Blog


Focusing on the Victims: Medicare Fraud, Mental Health, and a Partial Hospitalization Program Scam

Who are the victims of Medicare fraud?  As a law firm specializing in health care fraud matters, we understand that question requires a multi-part answer.  At the broadest level, Medicare fraud is theft and the target is a taxpayer-funded government program, meaning every U.S. taxpayer is a victim.  Narrowing the…


Pharmaceutical Fraud: Kick-backs Limit Patient Choice

One of the many ways that patients are at the mercy of their health care providers and insurers is through pharmaceuticals and prescriptions. Doctors write specific prescriptions, sometimes based on pharmaceutical advertisements, that may require that patients receive name brand drugs. Insurers place limitations on the types of drugs that…


New U.S. Supreme Court Ruling is a Mixed Bag for Whistleblowers

When someone identifies an act of health care fraud, it is important that they speak up. However, under the False Claims Act (FCA) the ways in which they speak up are limited by Federal law. A recent Supreme Court ruling on qui tam lawsuits arising under the FCA will have…


Medicare Fraud: Home Health Care Scams

According to ABC News, the rate of Medicare fraud is on the rise. One of the areas in which Medicare fraud is growing is home health care fraud. It’s important to be aware of this type of fraud, as it makes up a significant portion of health care fraud and…


When Competitors Collaborate and Costs Rise: Government Contract Fraud Attorney on Bid Rigging

In many ways, government procurement contracts are similar to procurement agreements in the private sphere.  The basic elements of all contracts are the same, an offer and acceptance made between two or more competent parties for a legal purpose that creates obligations for both parties (e.g. payment for and the…


Record Settlement in Non-Intervened Health Care Fraud Case

When it comes to the world of health care fraud, there’s one truth we cannot emphasize enough – Honest individuals are the key to winning the fight against fraud.  It is a truth we see again and again in our work as a whistleblower’s law firm.  The False Claims Act…


Medicare Fraud: A Problem Invading All Aspects of Health Care

Among the lessons we’ve learned as a Medicare fraud law firm is that fraud doesn’t always look like you think it does or involve the type of services you’d typically expect.  Most people would presume a case of Medicare fraud would involve a geriatric doctor, senior care facility, provider of…


The Role of Compliance Department in Fighting (or Perpetuating) Health Care Fraud

Sometimes health care fraud is a well-known secret, something many in a company’s leadership know about and either passively or actively conceal.  Likewise, a number of lower-level employees may know about and be asked to help perpetuate the fraud.  Fraud takes cooperation.  How does this happen when almost everyone we…


Provider Medical Identity Theft

Identity theft is a common fear and a common problem.  Readers of this blog know that identity theft is a problem that reaches beyond the financial sphere.  Quite often, health care fraud cases involve an element of medical identity theft.  In a previous post, our medical identity theft lawyer discussed…


Beneficiary-Reported Medicare Fraud

Often, Medicare fraud is brought to light because a brave employee saw a wrong and spoke up.  Notably, however, insiders are not the only ones who can bring a Medicare fraud whistleblower lawsuit (aka a qui tam action).  Medicare beneficiaries can also witness and report Medicare fraud.  We are proud…

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