
Healthcare Fraud Lawyer Blog


Cheat the System, Pay the Price: Pursuing Those Who Knowingly Violate Medicare Rules

There are few topics that will get people talking (and, inevitably, complaining) like health insurance.  The truth of the matter is that, in order to function efficiently and provide the best possible care to the largest possible audience, health insurance companies must have rules and guidelines.  Perhaps the context where…


Health Care Fraud Attorney on the Importance of Treating Patients as Individuals with Individual Needs

It’s something you learn in preschool, but sometimes it seems like a lesson modern medicine has forgotten – Everybody is unique (and that’s a good thing!).  Medicine should be tailored to individual patient’s needs; after all, that’s why we go to the doctor individually rather than showing up with thirty…


Health Care Fraud Lawyer on Pill Restocking and Other Pharmacy Fraud Schemes

As consumers of health services, we rely on medical professionals to help us protect our own health and the health of others.  The vast majority of medical professionals are dedicated to providing the best care possible.  Sadly, however, there are some people who abuse the public’s trust, often risking the…


Spotlight on Government Contracts Fraud: The Danger of Overcharging and Other Frauds Involving Military Contracts

We are lucky to live in a nation where men and women are willing to put their lives on the line, forming a volunteer military that protects our country and its people.  In turn, we all must help support this military and help keep them safe.  This is why our…


Off-Label Marketing – Using the False Claims Act to Fight Improper Drug Promotion

If you take medication regularly, why do you take it?  Why that specific medicine?  Hopefully, the answer is that you take it for a genuine medical need and, along with your doctor and pharmacist, you chose that specific medication because it is the best fit for your medical needs.  A…


Using the False Claims Act to Hold Financial Institutions Accountable for the Mortgage Crisis

Mortgage lending may not be in the spotlight in 2015 to the same degree it was a few years ago, but it remains an important element of our economy and mortgage fraud was partially responsible for the recession that rocked the globe in the first decade of the millennium.  Although…


Ensuring Health Care Decisions Based on Patients’ Best Interest, Not Provider Profits

The relationship between health care and money is the crux of some of the biggest policy debates of our time.  Still, while much is debated, there are also many principles that most Americans agree should hold true.  One such maxim – Medical decisions should be based on the best interests…


The Many Uses of the False Claims Act: Beyond Medicare Fraud and Military Contracts

As a False Claims Act law firm, we are always interested to find out what people know about the law, a fundamental issue given the large role private citizens play in bring False Claims Act (“FCA” or “the Act”) lawsuits.  One of the things we’ve learned is that even the…


Who Brings Government Fraud Whistleblower Claims?

We frequently write about healthcare fraud and other forms of government contract fraud.  We cannot overemphasize the role that whistleblowers play in prosecuting these cases.  According to the Justice Department, nearly $3 billion of the $5.69 billion recovered through settlements and judgments in civil False Claims Act (“FCA”) litigation in Fiscal…


Whistleblower Litigation: Fighting Drug Promotion Plots Involving Many Active and Passive Participants

No matter how long we serve as a law firm for Medicare fraud matters, we continue to be appalled by the nature of these crimes.  These crimes often involve more than just shifting money into the perpetrators’ wallets.  Medicare fraud often directly impacts the care beneficiaries receive or, in some…

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