
Healthcare Fraud Lawyer Blog


California Whistle Blower Employee Protection

A Whistle blower employee is an informant who exposes a crime, or wrongdoing, taking place within the organization in the hope of stopping it. If you are considering becoming a whistle blower, or if you have been retaliated for reporting a misdeed you should be aware of your rights. Old…


Penalties in California Health Care Fraud

Health Care Fraud is commonly known by other names such as health insurance fraud, medical billing fraud, health insurance fraud and Medi-Cal Fraud. The complicated and confusing bureaucracy associated with the payment process has lead to authorities accusing innocent providers and beneficiaries of health care fraud. In many instances these…


False Claims Act Attorney Examines Federal Student Aid Fraud and Other Forms of Higher Education Fraud

We believe education is a key component of the American dream, allowing people to take charge of their own destiny.  When schools commit fraud, they steal this opportunity.  The False Claims Act is a powerful tool for fighting federal student aid fraud and other forms of higher education fraud. …


Massive Settlement in Series of Cases Started by a Whistleblower Concerned About Health Care Fraud

As concerned citizens and as a health care fraud law firm, our team continues to be pleased with the terrific successes whistleblowers are having using the False Claims Act, Anti-Kickback Statute and related federal and state statutes to fight fraud in the medical field.   A major settlement announced this month…


Government Fraud Attorney on the Importance of Protecting Whistleblowers in False Claims Act Cases

You’ve witnessed something amiss in your workplace.  Whether it is a medical practice routinely upcoding Medicare claims to charge for more expensive procedures than were actually performed, a government contractor cheating the government by providing goods that are inferior to those promised, or another form of overcharging the government, you…


Implied Certification, Take Two: A Look at the California False Claims Act and Fraud on State Governments

Last week, we wrote about the upcoming Supreme Court case that will decide if the implied certification theory is a valid interpretation of the Federal False Claims Act (“FCA”).  It is a decision that could substantially empower government fraud whistleblowers.  However, it is worth remembering that the federal false claims…


The Implied Certification Debate: A Major Issue in False Claims Act Litigation Pending Before the U.S. Supreme Court

Last year, our health care fraud whistleblowers’ law firm reported on an important issue in the False Claims Act arena: implied certification.  The implied certification theory has the potential to be a powerful tool in the fight against fraud and, when we last discussed the topic, the Fourth Circuit Court…


Protecting Whistleblowers Who Join the Fight Against Health Care Fraud

By its nature, fraud is a crime of secrets.  The depth and breadth of these secrets are part of the reasons why whistleblowers are such an essential part of the fight against health care fraud.  The law recognizes this and both rewards and protects health care fraud whistleblowers for their…


Government Grant Fraud: When Good Organizations Mismanage Federal Funds

Sometimes good organizations, with good missions and many good people on board, do bad things.  A notable example is when a charity or public service group falsifies information with respect to a federal grant or other government support.  It can be hard to speak up against any large organization and…


Nursing Home Billing Fraud Update: Rehabilitative Therapy Contractor Settles Case, Whistleblower and Federal Government Alleged Company Put Profit Over Patient Care

It is a simple concept — health care should be dictated by the patient’s needs rather than the provider’s fiscal interest.  While most providers adhere to this core principle, far too many do not, especially in the long-term and nursing home care arenas.  Nursing home billing fraud, including rehabilitative therapy fraud,…

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