
Healthcare Fraud Lawyer Blog


Government Fraud Whistleblowers’ Law Firm Examines the Continuing Commitment to Fighting Fraud

It is no secret that, as a whistleblower’s law firm, we are big fans of the False Claims Act (“FCA” or “the Act”).  The Act holds liable any person/entity that presents a false or fraudulent claim for payment to the federal government (or an agency thereof) and/or create false records to…


Lessons from a False Claims Act Ruling on Medicare Pricing and the “Usual and Customary” Price

We pride ourselves on our work helping whistleblowers bring claims pursuant to the False Claims Act.  As a False Claims Act law firm, we have specialized knowledge of this complex piece of legislation that empowers individuals to bring fraud claims on behalf of the government.  A ruling from a federal…


Charges in an Allegedly Massive Scheme Highlight the Danger of Medicare Fraud

Is Medicare fraud really that big of a problem?  After all, doesn’t fraud exist in almost every sector of the economy?  Why focus so much energy on one issue?  As recently filed charges in one case show, Medicare fraud is an enormous problem that costs our government billions of dollars…


A Special Threat: Allegations of Faulty Ballistic Helmets Serve as Reminder of Why We are a Proud to be a Whistleblowers’ Law Firm Handling Cases of Defense Contract Fraud

Last week, we wrote about the importance of the False Claims Act as a tool for fighting defense contract fraud.  This week, we continue that discussion by focusing on a case that we touched upon in last week’s post.  This case stands out as particularly egregious of allegations that, if…


Using the False Claims Act to Fight Defense Contract Fraud

It’s no secret that as a government fraud whistleblowers’ law firm, we are big fans of the False Claims Act (“FCA”).  The FCA is a valuable tool that gives ordinary citizens the power to help fight back against frauds perpetrated on the federal government. While we often write about health…


Medicare Fraud Spotlight: False Claims Act Lawyer on the Threat of Hospice Care Fraud

Anyone who has ever watched a loved one fight through the final stages of a terminal illness knows how important kindness is during these times.  Some of the kindest and most caring people in the world work with terminal patients and their families in hospice care settings.  On behalf of…


Trends in False Claims Act Litigation: Individual Liability

Regular readers of this blog know that part of what makes the False Claims Act such a powerful tool is its qui tam provision which allows individuals to bring claims for repayment on the government’s behalf.  This is important because the government cannot police every single claim it pays and…


The Escobar Decision: Whistleblowers’ Law Firm Applauds a Major Ruling from the Supreme Court Interpreting the False Claims Act

The False Claims Act (“FCA” or “the Act”) is a powerful tool that allows private citizens to play a key role in fighting fraud on the federal government.  As we have reported in previous blog posts, this term the Supreme Court agreed to look at a disagreement among appellate courts…


Spotlight on Government Contract Fraud: The Violation of Small Business Set-Aside Provisions

As a small law firm, we are particularly aware of the many contributions that small businesses and small business owners make to our economy.  In our case, we believe being a small firm allows us to have a more personal touch and collaborate more closely with every client while providing…


Pharmaceutical Company Fraud and the False Claims Act

Few decisions are as important as those regarding our health and the health of our loved ones.  Decisions about medications, like many other health-related issues, involves a weighing of risks and benefits.  With increased direct-to-consumer advertising and pressure on doctors from corporations, this calculus can be extremely hard.  Americans must…

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